They got it right this time

Someone once offered a quip about weather forecasters. It goes something like this: How is it that meteorologists can be so wrong so often, but still keep their jobs?

I laughed when I heard it — and I’ve been repeating it ever since.

But I have to hand the weathermen and women this one: They’ve gotten our winter weather just about right.

I had heard some months ago that the National Weather Service had predicted a wetter-than-normal winter for the Texas Panhandle. The Farmer’s Almanac had said much the same thing. National Public Radio was reporting it, too.

Last night’s snowfall is expected to be followed by more snow over the weekend.

El Nino is back in action off the Pacific Coast, and it’s driving storm systems this way — after pounding the dickens out of California, Oregon and Washington.

So, the past few days have caused considerable discomfort for us city slickers, while bringing smiles to the farmers — especially the dryland folks — who always welcome moisture. And they’ve gotten a lot of it in the past week. I haven’t heard anyone complain yet about getting “too much rain.” Those who live in a region — such as the Panhandle — that averages about 20 inches of rain annually never should gripe when precipitation keeps falling.

But the weather folks had told us this would transpire. My wife and I usually just smirk when we hear such things, believing that if you say something enough times that sooner or later, it comes true.

Well, this time they got it right.

Those of us who get pounded by those who disagree with us or who believe we are wrong about anything appreciate getting a good word it’s deserved.

Nice going.