‘Subway Guy’ falls hard


One of the many aspects of today’s popular culture is the astonishing celebrity status that falls on individuals for reasons that have nothing to do with talent, brains or tangible accomplishment.

Social media make celebrities out of people often without them ever being aware of it until it’s too late. Take a picture with your smart phone of someone doing something weird, or just plain interesting, post it on social media outlets and — boom! — you’ve made a celebrity out of someone.

Jared “Subway Guy” Fogle is the latest popular culture celebrity to fall hard on his own failings.

He’s pleaded guilty to child porn charges. Now we hear that he solicited sex with children.

Fogle made millions by becoming a pitchman for the sandwich chain after losing a couple hundred pounds by scarfing down Subway sandwiches. He has a wife and small children. He also pledged to spend money to help poor children, but lo and behold, it’s been revealed he never distributed a dime through the foundation he created.

He did, though, allegedly spend money on seeking sex.

Just as so many others who portray themselves in one way publicly, only to behave quite differently when they think no one is looking, Fogle is about to fall hard.

His wife has filed divorce proceedings. Fogle is confined to his fancy house while he awaits sentencing.

My hope for this clown is that he gets the maximum of whatever Indiana law allows. He’s got to be put away for as long as possible.

He has duped the public for too long to get a mere rap on the knuckles.

Oh, the consequences of the celebrity status that falls on those who don’t deserve it.