Tag Archives: Trump presidency

Is the Trump presidency actually ‘over’? Oh, one can hope

I keep reading these essays from thinkers opining about the possibility that the current worldwide health crisis spells the pending end of the Donald Trump era as president.

If only I could put much stock in it all. You see, Donald Trump has demonstrated time and again this astonishing — and shocking — ability to turn doomsday scenarios into a bumper harvest.

It is unbelievable in the utmost extreme.

So with the world reeling from infection caused by the coronavirus pandemic and Americans being felled by the thousands every single day I am not willing just yet to sound the death knell for the Trump presidency.

What is lacking, in my mind, is much evidence that dedicated Republicans who strangely have clung to this imposter’s message are actually willing to abandon this carnival barker.

I see public opinion surveys that continue to show that Trump is retaining the support of that base of voters who see something in this guy that is lost on most of us. I don’t know what it could be, but it’s real. The polling numbers seem to bear that out.

We have this presidential campaign that seems to have been stalled by forces beyond everyone’s control. A former vice president, Joseph Biden, has emerged as the Democrats’ clear presumptive nominee. His message of redemption of recovery of the nation’s “soul” rings true to many of us.

The question remains as to how many of us are willing change course. I, of course, am all in with Joe Biden just as I’ve been all in with my opposition to Donald Trump.

Trump has shown this remarkable survivor’s skill. He dances and dodges his way out of every lie he tells. He challenges the medical and scientific experts who offer the world a realistic assessment of the dangers posed by the pandemic. He blathers on in connection with issues about which he knows nothing, speaking in platitudes and clichés.

But it has worked. So far.

Is the end of this guy’s era at hand? Oh, my hope keeps bubbling.