Tag Archives: school bond issue

Yes, every vote counts!

Does every single vote count? Yeah! That’s surely the case involving a bond issue in Bonham, Texas.

The Bonham public school district asked voters there to approve a $64 million bond issue to spend money to refurbish and renovate a junior high school campus.

The vote total? 879 votes for, 877 votes against.

How does one describe “razor thin”? I guess the Bonham Independent School District tally would fall into that category.

The successful measure comes after Bonham ISD voters rejected similar bond issues twice before. They went down in 2022. So the district came back to find that its margin, while still not significant, is enough for Bonham ISD to declare victory.

As KETR-FM radio reported: The plan calls for new classrooms, renovations to existing classrooms, safety and security improvements, a new cafeteria, a new band hall, and a new multipurpose facility.

So … if you believe that your vote doesn’t matter, look no further than these results.
