Tag Archives: retirement years

Happy Trails, Part 57

The question keeps coming at my wife and me: When are you moving?

The answer is beginning to change, I am happy to say. I can answer with some certainty: “We’re closer today than we were yesterday, but we don’t yet have a date. Although a date is beginning to present itself way out there on the horizon.”

I have mentioned in this blog that our pace is accelerating. It still is.

Our days of late have been spent clearing out the house we used to call “home.” If I haven’t mentioned it in this blog, I’ll do so now: I married Wonder Woman more than 46 years ago.

She is an expert at this moving thing. She’s a master packer of possessions. She makes virtually all the critical moving decisions. I abide by them. I also simply do what I’m told to do. She issues the orders, I follow them. It’s that simple, man.

But the truth is that our retirement journey is on the verge of making an important turn toward our destination. The mover is coming very soon. He will haul our possessions away. The house will be empty.

We will clean it up with brooms, vacuum, mop and bucket and window cleaner.

Then very soon we’ll ask a Realtor — who happens to be a friend — to come see us. She’ll assess the value of our home, make recommendations on what to do to give it maximum marketability. We’ll proceed rapidly from there.

Then we’ll stick a sign in the front yard.

I have been fond of saying that we all need one final challenge in their life. Our final major challenge is at hand.

I’ve heard from more than one of my retired friends who have said that they’ve “never been busier” than since they quit working for a living.

I get it.

Land line may go when retirement arrives

This is the latest in an occasional series of blog posts about impending retirement.

Having spewed already about the difficulty of cutting ourselves loose from our home telephone, some friends have reminded me of what I’ve noted already.

Retirement is going to bring a whole new lifestyle for my wife and me that more than likely will require us to cut the tie that binds us to our safety line.

Gosh. I didn’t even think of it.

Our retirement hopefully will feature travel. Lots of it, in fact. We’ll be on the road for extended periods of time in our fifth wheel. We intend to visit most of North America. We hope to take our fifth wheel to Mexico as well, but first things first: Our southerly neighbors will need to get control of the drug thugs who are running rampant, terrorizing tourists and other innocent victims.

But I digress.

The land line that has been such a staple in our lives isn’t going away any time soon, at least not immediately.

Eventually? Yes. That will be determined at a later date. For now, I’m having a lot of fun working my three part-time jobs. The RV awaits. When we climb aboard in our retirement years, I’m expecting to be fully mobile.