Tag Archives: presidential campaigns

Tragedy produces unintended benefit


Gosh, I hate to say this.

But here goes: Prince Rogers Nelson’s tragic death yesterday has brought welcome relief from the barrage of coverage to which we’ve been subjected about the interminable Republican and Democratic presidential primary contests.

Do not misunderstand me.

I am in shock over Prince’s death. I join my younger friends and family members who loved the man’s music. Hey, I loved it, too, man! The man was a virtuoso performer. How many instruments did this music icon play? Five, six, seven? A lot.

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The morning news/talk shows today led with continued coverage of Prince’s death, just as the evening news broadcasts led with it Thursday.

MSNBC broadcast a special one-hour segment during the evening with priceless video of Prince performing, with interviews of his former manager. My favorite segment was the video of Prince surprising Bryant Gumbel on the newscaster’s last day on “Today” in 1997.

All of this is to say that I do not miss the incessant coverage of the presidential campaign.

What does that say about the political process? Or … what does it say about the media that cover this process?

I believe it says that the process is too long and too overbearing.

It also says the media have done a lousy job of covering this process and delivering information to viewers and readers who want to know more about the candidates’ policy views and less about, oh, their assorted body parts.

All that said, I’m going to watch some more Prince videos.

And continue my mourning …