Tag Archives: McKinney disturbance

Would a blue-eyed blonde get this kind of treatment?

Rudolph Bush has posted a great blog for the Dallas Morning News.

I encourage you to read, then pass it on. Share it. Reflect on it.


He writes about the McKinney incident north of Dallas in which a police officer, Eric Casebolt, reacts rather aggressively while trying to break up a fight at a neighborhood pool party.

He wrestles a 14-year-old African-American girl to the ground. The girl is wearing a bikini. She’s crying out for her mother. He pulls his gun on other youngsters, none of whom was armed with anything other than a loud mouth. The incident got out of control.

Bush asks a most pertinent question in his blog. “But it’s impossible not to wonder how different a scene this would have been if these kids had been white instead of black. Would Casebolt have dared to drag a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl to the ground screaming “ON YOUR FACE!” at a pool in an affluent suburb?

“If your answer is yes, let me know the next time that happens.”

Officer Casebolt has been suspended by the McKinney Police Department.

Bush asks further: “It’s impossible not to wonder how we have failed to get the message from Baltimore and from so many other places. What is it going to take to avoid images like the ones that came from McKinney … ?”

Read his blog. It’s worth your time.