Tag Archives: debt

Deal arrives … finally!

By JOHN KANELIS / johnkanelis_92@hotmail.com

Call me a cynic or just plain pi**ed off at Congress and most certainly at the current president of the United States.

If members of the House and Senate are expecting any back-slapping or high-fiving from me on the deal they have struck to provide pandemic relief while keeping the government operating, well … they won’t get it.

Congressional leaders have cobbled together a $900 billion pandemic relief package as part of a $1.4 trillion government funding bill that keeps the government running until October. Fine. Thanks, ladies and gentlemen.

I am still amazed, though, at the drama, the theatrics, the posturing and name-calling that preceded this deal. We had Republican senators blocking measures that would have provided $1,200 relief payments. Why block it? They were concerned — and this is really rich — the impact on the federal debt!

What a crock of horse dookey! Senators and House members, namely Republicans, didn’t give a crap about the debt when they enacted enormous tax cuts for rich folks. Now they have found deficit/debt religion? Give me a break!

What’s more, they have subjected many millions of Americans to unnecessary anxiety while they await some form of help from their government, the one populated by officials who take an oath to serve you and me.

I am glad they found a way to get ‘er done. I am not going to sing praises to the nimrods on Capitol Hill or the dips*** who lives — for the time being — in the White House.

This is no way to run a government.

I am going to make a request of the new guy who’s moving into the White House on Jan. 20.

Uh, President Biden? Please clunk some Democratic and Republican heads together when you get settled in and start searching for ways to provide long-term solutions to our on-going crisis in paying for our government.

I am sick and tired of wondering whether my government will remain open when our legislators and the president cannot arrive at a timely solution to crises.