Tag Archives: animal abuse

What about those animals?

Animal lover that I am, I feel the need to vent for just a moment.

I keep seeing these TV commercials asking viewers to give money to care for dogs and cats that are exposed to winter’s inclement weather. We see images of quivering abandoned pets. Some of them look as though they are bearing wounds.

Readers of this blog perhaps have deduced that I love critters as much as any of those high-profile animal activists; I think of, say, Betty White and Bob Barker. I don’t hunt. I hate watching videos of people hunting wild animals.

As such I have extreme difficulty watching these commercials. I cannot stand the sight of those animals looking at me with a gaze that cries out “Please save me. Please!”

The question of the day: Do the film crews that actually take pictures of these animals leave them in the cold, or do they rescue them, tend to their medical issues, clean them up and ensure they get adopted by loving pet parents?

Well … ?