Tag Archives: POTUS

Trump campaign disarray is growing


Campaigning for the U.S. presidency is a complicated and costly endeavor.

That’s just the way it is. These campaigns require cohesive planning, streamlined communications systems, a vast network of field officers running operations in states and congressional districts and it requires leadership from the very top of the pecking order.

Donald J. Trump’s campaign for the presidency is showing signs of, well, coming apart. It’s blowing itself to pieces at just about the worst time possible.

The presumptive Republican nominee canned his campaign manager Cory Lewandowski this week. He fired the guy who engineered his highly unlikely and apparently successful campaign to capture the GOP nomination.

Who takes his place? That’s anyone’s guess.

Moreover, reports suggest that Trump’s children — chiefly daughter Ivanka — had a huge hand in kicking Lewandowski to the curb.

Let me see if this adds up.

Trump is just about a month away from claiming his party’s nomination. He doesn’t have a campaign manager to oversee the state-by-state operations needed. The candidate reportedly has few field offices up and running across the country. He isn’t spending any money — yet — on media advertising in the critical battleground states he’ll need to capture if he has a prayer of winning.

There’s more.

Republicans in Congress are clamming up when media ask them about Trump’s campaign. Some of them are withholding their endorsements; a couple of GOP lawmakers have rescinded their endorsement.

Oh, and then there’s this: The insults keep pouring out of Trump’s mouth, not to mention the egregious innuendo about President Obama and whether he harbors secret sympathies for radical Islamic terrorists.

That’s OK, as Trump would tell his supporters. Not to worry.

He possesses a “good brain.”

As nation grieves, Trump boasts


“Temperamentally unfit … ”

We’re likely to hear that a lot during the next few months as Hillary Rodham Clinton campaigns for president of the United States against Donald J. Trump.

Examples? We’ve got plenty of them.

The latest example of temperamental unfitness presented itself in the hours after this past weekend’s slaughter of 49 people at the Pulse, an Orlando, Fla., nightclub.

The nation went into shock at the most gruesome mass murder in U.S. history. Trump’s response was to send out a tweet that boasted about how he predicted that Islamic terrorists were going to strike.

Trump said he called it. He was right. The president of the United States has been “weak” in the fight against terrorism, he said.

Republican insiders now are saying that Trump blew it badly by bragging during this time of national bereavement. “Only an a**hole says ‘I told you so’ the same day 49 people are killed on American soil by a terrorist,” said a New Hampshire Republican, who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously, according to Politico.


The massacre in Orlando has been generally categorized as an act of terror. The killer — an American — seems to have been radicalized by his fealty to the Islamic State.

It’s also been called the “worst act of terror on U.S. soil since 9/11.” That’s now a given.

I now shall remind us all of what national security officials said in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Almost to a person they predicted then that we’d get hit again. That the terrorists had smelled our blood and they wanted more of it.

It’s also been a given that we would feel this kind of pain.

Trump’s braggadocio was so profoundly inappropriate that it only feeds the narrative that Hillary Clinton is going to recite time and again as she campaigns for the presidency.

Welcome to the Twitter-verse, Mr. President

Barack Obama wanted, I guess, to show the world how hip he has become.

So he opened a Twitter account and tweeted a message out there.

What follows below is a small sample of the “welcome” responses received by the president of the United States of America, leader of the Free World and the most well-known and easily recognized individual on Planet Earth:


Were there other messages like that? Oh, more than likely.

Racism lives on. Probably forever.

I won’t even summarize what’s contained in the messages shown on the link. Just seeing the operative word — let alone hearing it — makes me shudder.

Yes, the president did get some actual welcome messages. Indeed, as soon as I finish this brief post, I’m likely to send one myself.

But as the link notes, the president and his family are handling this display of hate: “If this doesn’t tell you that Barack Obama has handled the unprecedented disrespect and outright hatred directed at him from right-wing racists with the utmost grace and dignity, I don’t know what will.”