Texas Gov. Rick Perry is soon to be a “former” governor — and a likely current candidate for the president of the United States.
He vows there will be no repeat of the infamous “oops” moment in late 2011 when he couldn’t name all three of the federal agencies he said he would cut from the federal government.
In an interview with CNBC’s John Harwood, Perry said he’ll be better prepared if he decides to run again for the White House.
He’s also got that felony indictment alleging abuse of power to get worked out one way or the other.
The most interesting element in the story attached to this blog post is how Harwood sizes up the potential 2016 GOP field with the 2012 cast of characters. The next Republican field is likely to include some serious politicians with serious ideas about how to solve serious problems.
That clearly wasn’t the case in 2012. The GOP field included a cabal of clowns: Herman “9-9-9” Cain? Michelle “Democrats are Communists” Bachmann? Rick “Say ‘No’ to Contraception” Santorum? Newt “I Impeached an Unfaithful President While I was Cheating On My Wife” Gingrich?
The next field, which might include Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, is much more credible than the previous field of candidates.
Perry will have to do battle with a much more serious band of GOP brothers (and maybe) sisters.
Oh, but he says he’ll be ready.
We’ll see about that.