Beware of motorcyclists?

Texas and Wyoming have at least one thing in common.

Both states want to protect motorcyclists.

Texas has its “Share the Road” road signs with the profile of a motorcycle. We’ve discovered Wyoming’s more dramatic message. It flashes on electronic signs straddling interstate highways: “Motorcycles are everywhere; look twice, drive safely.”

All right, already. I get it.

The Wyoming signs are even more ubiquitous than the “Share the Road” signs in Texas.

Look, I understand the need to look out for motorcyclists. I appreciate the hazards of riding those crotch rockets in traffic. Hey, some of my best friends own and ride motorcycles. Why, at least two of my cousins ride them, apparently quite well and safely.

However, not all motorcyclists are as conscientious as those I know who ride them. Some of them are quite careless — even reckless.

Perhaps there ought to be some signage posted that warns cyclists to (a) avoid weaving in and out of traffic, (b) obey speed limits and (c) suit up with body armor to protect themselves against catastrophic injury.