Trade war set to begin

Let’s be crystal clear about what is going to commence among three North American neighbors now that Donald Trump has declared his intention to impose tariffs on imported goods.

Canada and Mexico, two of our strongest allies and most dependable trading partners, have been targeted — along with China — as candidates for massive tariffs on all goods delivered to the United States.

Who will pay the tariff? You and I will. Our neighbors, too, So will our loved ones. We will shoulder an immense burden as importers seek to pass the cost of the tariffs on to those of us who use the products imported from the three tariff-strapped nations.

I do not understand what Trump is trying to prove with these tariffs. He isn’t punishing those nations. They will respond by imposing tariffs on goods they import from U.S. exporters.

Hey, didn’t Trump negotiate a new free-trade agreement with Canada and Mexico during his term in office? It was supposed to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump called it a superior pact.

Well, it’s no longer superior to anything.

Buckle up, my fellow patriots. We’re going to pay through the nose for a lot of goods.

4 thoughts on “Trade war set to begin”

  1. You’ve already been proven wrong, again. Canada, Mexico and China have all said they want to negotiate and it hasn’t been 48 hours yet. I doubt we feel much at all. Maybe short term, but long term we’ll come out great. I know you don’t want to hear this. But your side has been wrong so many times you should be used to it.

  2. Mexico and Canada rolled Trump.

    They agreed to do something they are already doing- they both have military personnel on our Northern and Southern borders.

    Trump, not having a clue to what’s actually happening, thought he got a win.

    Leaders of other nations now know that all they have to do is pick up the phone, tell Trump he’s great , and they get anything they want from him.

    I’m naming this the RFA Administration.

    Ready, Fire, Aim!

    They froze government spending one day. Reinstated it the next.

    Trump blustered about tariffs- came away with nothing new, then paused the tariffs.

    Nothing is planned or thought out. No strategy. Just the whims of an incompetent narcissist who stays up all night to check his social media accounts.

    How many ways can one spell dumbass?

    1. DM,

      You are so far off it’s pathetic. Both countries weren’t doing what they were supposed to do. They have been playing Biden like a fiddle. Trump imposed the tariffs and they instantly started wanting to negotiate and doing what they were supposed to already be doing. Quit listening to democrat talking points and research for yourself. I still have quite a few friends in DC and the area around it. Some are hardcore democrats. They’ve told me quite a bit. Some things they’ve asked that I don’t repeat yet and I honor their wishes.

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