A good friend and I frequently engage in political discussions that usually do not engender a lot of dispute … given that we’re cut from the same partisan cloth.
She does pose a question I want to repeat here: When will the Republican Party’s elected officials realize and say so out loud the travesty they are supporting in the White House?
She’s an avid anti-Donald Trumper. So am I. I cannot answer her question. I do not know what it will take for the GOP to realize (a) that Trump is not an invincible collossus, (b) that he is just as fallible as the rest of us and (c) that their show of courage very well could play well among the millions of “silent majority” American out here.
Trump’s remarks in t he wake of the air crash that killed 67 people this week in Washington, D.C., were just the latest outrageous insult that Trump threw into the political blender. He followed that up with his declaration of war against the FBI by firing all the field agents in charge. Then came Trump’s nominee for FBI director, his pick for director of national intelligence and his health and human services secretary nominee flip-flopping all over earlier remarks they had made about the damage they sought to do to the “status quo.”
Trump is surrounding himself in the executive branch of government with people who are profoundly unqualified for the jobs they hold. Then again, they mirror the lack of qualifications by their benefactor for the job to which he has been elected twice.
My friend informed today she has written GOP U.S. Sen. John Cornyn of Texas a letter informing him of her intention to oppose every Republican candidate who continues to back Trump’s hostile takeover of the federal government. Cornyn, a former Bexar County trial judge, is one of the targets of her rage.
Her hope rests in a belief that Cornyn’s legal background might imbue him with the knowledge that facts matter. Americans have witnessed with their own eyes an insurrection against the government, the purging of the FBI, the appointment of certifiable numbskulls to the highest levels of government.
What do all these things have in common?
Donald John Trump!