Sucking it up with an early vote

Command decision time at blogging HQ, which happens to be my North Texas man cave.

I have decided to cast my vote early in this year’s election, Early voting begins in Texas on Monday and it is possible I’ll be one of the first voters in line at my Princeton polling place.

As many of you know, I have preferred to wait until Election Day to cast my ballot. Not this year. I am going to get my preferences logged into the secure system early. I am going to get my civic duty out of the way.

Then I’ll just wait for the end of the campaign to exhaust itself until Nov. 5.

My concerns about candidates’ messing up between now and Election Day remain. I am just going to presume that the candidates of my choice will keep it clean until Election Day.

I also am announcing my plan to split my ticket. I am going to vote for some Republicans running in down-ballot contests. You know all about my preferences for the very top of the ballot. I won’t revisit those choices here or seek to explain them to you.

There is no point to trying to persuade readers of this blog about the unfitness of the Republican presidential nominee or try to explain how an incumbent US senator can hightail it to Cancun while hundreds of Texans were dying in the midst of the February 2021 deep freeze that smothered virtually the entire state.

Just know that I remain faithful to opposing straight-ticket voting. That principle remains intact.

Let it never be said that this old man is too hidebound to change the way he casts his ballot. I might not vote early in the next election, or the one after that.

This one? I hear the sound of my conscience telling me to do it.

One thought on “Sucking it up with an early vote”

  1. For you, there’s no reason to wait. You are going to vote for Harris no matter how inept she is. You hatred for Trump is well documented. You’d rather vote for someone that has ZERO accomplishments instead of someone that’s has a proven four years in office. In fact, she’s a part of the administration that’s brought this great country to the brink of disaster. Trump is the leader of the administration that made this nation soar back to greatness. It’s sad that hatred for someone with a proven record makes you vote for someone with a proven disastrous record.

    Will ABC apologize to Trump for fact checking him about crime rate now that the FBI has changed the crimes report? I doubt it. How many times does Trump have to be right before the left acknowledges that maybe, just maybe, the man knows more than given credit?

    I don’t expect a response. You’ve shown you have no rational response to facts. You called me out the other day for a response I gave to another reader thinking I responded to you. No apology…

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