Looking for votes? Well … yeah!

A brief lesson in political context seems to be in order, as I must respond to a statement from a frequent critic of this blog.

I wrote something the other day calling attention to Kamala Harris’s support of an idea first pitched by Donald Trump: to end the rule requiring taxes on income received from tips for service workers.

My critic just couldn’t leave the issue well enough alone. He couldn’t just endorse Harris’s support of an idea first promoted by her presidential campaign opponent and then move on to the next point of contention.

No … instead he said something about how Democrats blasted Trump for the idea, saying he was just angling for votes.

In an election year? A candidate is looking for ways to win favor with voters? Who knew?

Here is the lesson. Listen up. In an election cycle, every single proposal offered by candidates is done with one primary goal in mind: to win votes! It makes no difference which politician does it, or which party to which he or she belongs. They all do it and they all have the same motive in mind.

I just want to make clear that we should understand the context at play here. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are of like minds on the principle of banning taxes for tips. They both want voters to believe them over the other person.

As for my critic. Pipe down, dude!

5 thoughts on “Looking for votes? Well … yeah!”

  1. No way! Iā€™ll keep pointing out your hypocrisy! This post shows the hypocrisy at its best. If Trump had stolen Harrisā€™ idea, you would have gone bat shit crazy!

    Sheā€™s done enough flip flopping on her policies that she now has to steal others. Thatā€™s about right. Sheā€™s NEVER had an initiative of her own.

    She canā€™t say what sheā€™d do once in office since SHEā€™S ALREADY IN OFFICE! If reporters were fair and sheā€™d take questions, they should simply ask her if sheā€™d do that once in office, why hasnā€™t it already been done?? Pretty simple question, if we had legitimate reporters.

    1. Now you’re a mind-reader. You don’t know what I would have done had Trump copied a Harris idea. You ought to stop pretending to know what’s in my noggin. You are clueless.

      1. Iā€™ve read your stuff enough to know exactly how youā€™d react. Anything Trump, complete freak out!

  2. Are they simply ā€œlooking for votesā€ here?

    This is some major bullshit!! Spin it!

    The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within
    Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found.

    Why it matters: It’s a common practice in the commercial advertising world that doesn’t violate Google’s policies, but the ads mimic real news results from Search closely enough that they have news outlets caught off guard.

  3. One more reality. The ONLY reason Harris is rising in the polls is the media propping her up. She received ZERO delegates in 2019 prior to the 2020 election and sheā€™s received ZERO delegates in the current election. Sheā€™s the most liberal person that been in the senate or VP spot, yet the media is trying to reverse all her previous statements. Take the liberal media out of the equation and sheā€™s still be the lowest rated VP of all time. Just prior to backstabbing Biden, she was the lowest polling VP, EVER!

    Itā€™s impossible to go from where she was to where she at now without the media lying nonstop.

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