Rebrand this reprobate!

There must be a fundamental — top to bottom — rebranding underway regarding the pending Republican Party presidential nominee.

In truth, it’s not much of a rebranding as it is a reawakening to what millions of Americans already know about Donald John Trump.

Who carries out this message delivery is anyone guess. What do we know about this slug?

He’s admitted groping women; admitted cheating on all his wives; been convicted of 34 felonies; found liable for the rape of a journalist; has run every business venture with his name on it into the ground; calls ruthless dictators around the world paragons of leadership and strength.

Oh … there’s more.

He has denigrated the memory of a known Vietnam War hero who was captured by the enemy and held captive for more than five years; ridiculed a Gold Star family whose son died defending the country in Iraq; mocked a disabled New York Times reporter.

These issues deal with character and competence. He lacks both of these elements completely and fully.

This individual must not be allowed anywhere near the nuclear launch codes. Are we clear?

One thought on “Rebrand this reprobate!”

  1. You call out Trump’s lies WITH LIES! What a hypocrite!

    Get over the media lies and do some damn research on your own!

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