Turning away from debate

All eyes are turning — or at least many of them are doing so — toward the Atlanta stage where President Biden and Donald J. Trump are going to joust in that much-anticipated first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign.

This blog post is going to point itself elsewhere for the time being.

We have a lot of issues to settle in this angry world of ours.

How do we negotiate a settlement between Russia and Ukraine? How do we do the same in Gaza where Israel has gone to war with Hamas? How do we make sure Iran doesn’t acquire nuclear weapon capability? How do we secure our border? How do we control inflationary pressure on those things we purchase at the store? How can we improve public education?

Biden and Trump aren’t likely to come close to providing any solutions. We instead are going to focus on the show biz aspect of the joint appearance.

I am going to concentrate my energy on seeking solutions to the critical problems facing this nation. I am sure my phone will ring tonight after the debate. My friends and family will ask who I thought “won.” I won’t be callous and say, “I don’t know and I don’t care.,”

I suppose all of this is my way of lowering expectations for what happens this evening. Two men who are thought pretty universally to be profoundly unable to face the problems that trouble us won’t provide any answers,

It’s all for show, man. Got it? Good.

8 thoughts on “Turning away from debate”

  1. You didn’t watch because you knew Biden would be his usual incoherent, which he was. Biden couldn’t complete a single sentence. After hiding for a week “getting ready” for the debate, he still couldn’t answer questions at all.

    On the other hand, Trump was calm, cool and collected. He didn’t get rattled by Biden’s lies. He answered coherently, logical, and classy.

    Biden kept having a blank stare the majority of the debate. You could tell he really wasn’t there. His family has got to do something! This isn’t a blast on Joe. It’s a blast on his family. How can they treat him like this??!!

    This debate insured Trump’s reelection. America can’t keep being seen as this week.

  2. How can you not feel sorry for Biden when you see his wife having to help him off the stage after the debate? Help me understand!

  3. When Van Jones feels sorry for him and says he was in pain watching Biden, that’s sad. CNN and MSNBC both said tonight that democrats need to consider a replacement.

    Those two networks spent the last month trying to say all the videos out there were “deep fakes”. They are now backtracking after tonight.

  4. I agree that last night was not Biden’s finest, however the lies spouting forth from Trump were hard to stomach. Where were the fact checkers for CNN?

    1. They both had their share of lies. Biden jumped out the gate saying that Trump told people to inject bleach. That’s a flat out lie. He continued using the proven lie that Trump called the white supremacists “good people”. Again… that was a lie

      1. Let’s see. Trump referenced the Charlottesville riot. One side opposed the Klansmen, Nazis and white supremacists; the other side were those very individuals. He then said “there were good people … on both sides!” Yes, he called ’em “good people.”

        1. As usual, completely out of context! This has been debunked over and over and over and over, well you get it.

          Your hatred will not allow you to think for yourself, as usual.

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