Bibi is getting ‘fickle’?

No one ever should ascribe the term “fickle” to Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, the fiery and ferocious prime minister of Israel.

He declared war on Hamas, the terrorists who on Oct. 7, 2023 launched the hideous rocket attack from Gaza into Israel. They killed more than 1,000 Israelis. Israel responded with a massive show of force that has killed many times more Gazans. Netanyahu’s stated aim is to “destroy Hamas.”

OK. But now the Israelis have a serious proposal to end the violence on the table. Bibi said it’s a non-starter, even though President Biden said late this past week that Israel had worked out the framework of a permanent peace deal with the United States and Hamas.

What gives?

I get that Netanyahu wants to destroy Hamas. I am with him fully. Hamas is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization whose sole intent is to destroy Israel. At what cost is Israel willing to go before declaring Hamas to be dead and buried?

The bloodbath cannot continue. My hope from afar is that Netanyahu can find it within himself to negotiate an end to this warfare and start cleaning up the damage that his country’s vaunted military has inflicted.