Do you really support this moron?

Memo to my MAGA friends, acquaintances and those I see with bumper stickers on their pickups ….

Do you really and truly want to support an individual who has labeled those of us who have worn our country’s military uniform “suckers” and “losers”?

The former POTUS launched an unhinged, incompetent rant against judges, legal foes, jurors and the very judicial system as his way of paying tribute to those who died in service to the country. Memorial Day is a special day for the former Moron in Chief.

He denigrated the late Sen. John McCain’s service during the Vietnam War because he “got caught” and spent all those years as a POW. He has smeared the character of a Gold Star Family whose son died an Army hero in the Iraq War. He once told his former fixer/lawyer Michael Cohen that those who went to war in Vietnam were “stupid.”

Here he is. He is competing for the presidency yet again. How does the MAGA movement, comprising individuals I will presume support those who fight for our country, react to their hero’s rants? They give him an unfettered pass.

I have to ask: Does he speak for you, or does he speak only for himself?

I know the answer. He speaks for the cult followers. The good news as I interpret it is that the cult base isn’t growing. It well could be shrinking. Distressing, though, is that their volume remains full-throated.

I will go to my grave wondering how in the world the MAGA movement can possibly support an individual who is incapable of paying appropriate tribute to those who serve our great country.

I mean, to “make America great” requires a faithful commitment to public service.

One thought on “Do you really support this moron?”

  1. The reason heā€™s supported is that his supports have seen through the lies the media has presented, unlike you. You heard ā€œorange man badā€ and jumped in line just like a good little soldier sheep. The rest of us, do our own research and have found the media has lied constantly when reporting on Trump. They edit videos and audio recordings to fit their narrative. And you, as well as millions of other liberals, donā€™t question AT ALL. Thatā€™s what they count on.

    It continues to be shown that Biden lies consistently more than Trump. Biden hasnā€™t given a speech in forever in which he hasnā€™t had several lies in it. But you just keep on playing into of as ā€œstutteringā€. Yeh, thatā€™s it. LOL

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