Waiting for the unknown

There once was a time when surprises occurred during presidential primary campaigns.

All eyes would be focused on established political stars or — in the case of the current Republican nominee-in-waiting — on notorious characters.

Then the surprise would occur. Someone would burst out of the crowd. That someone would an individual no one had heard of … or so it seemed. They would take the rest of the field on head to head. The unknown candidate then would collect enough delegates to win the nomination from their party.

Alas, those days appear gone. Maybe forever. Why is that? Social media platforms grant instant celebrity status to newly minted politicians. I think of the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

MTG and AOC both earned celebrity status by having their names initialized in the manner I have just demonstrated. One of them, MTG, has been a disgrace. AOC — again, in my view only — has emerged as a star; to be fair, I had my doubts about AOC when she arrived in D.C.

I am wishing at times for a new star to burst forth from the tall grass and capture our hearts and minds.

American voters are facing a presidential election this year with two warhorses fighting each other. One of them is a seasoned politician with decades of public service under his belt. Joe Biden, though, is 81 years of age and has been on center stage almost from the moment he became a U.S. senator in January 1973. He says he’s ready for the fight that awaits him; I am taking him at his word.

His probable opponent … I cannot print his name. He is 77 years of age and has been impeached twice, indicted four times, faces 91 criminal counts, incited an assault on our government, lost his re-election bid and has never conceded defeat, been convicted of sexual assault, has lied about his wealth, denigrated a legitimate Vietnam War hero, mocked a physically challenged reporter and said those who serve in the military are “suckers” and “losers.”

I long for a return to an era when someone fresh, clean and scandal free can emerge from the shadows and capture our imagination.

Who is that person? If I knew his or her name, that would take away the surprise.

One thought on “Waiting for the unknown”

  1. More childish behavior. It is what it is. You’ve become a kiss-ass Biden lover who apparently can do no wrong.

    What’s your take on Biden apologizing for using the word “illegal”, which is exactly what the scum bag is, instead of apologizing for using the wrong name of the massacred Laken Riley. That’s so much a low life thing for Biden to do. What a disgrace towards Laken’s family.

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