We aren’t electing ‘Democrats’

Marie Biggs needs a refresher course in American civics.

I have trudged down this road already, but I have to do so again. Biggs is an official with the Collin County Democratic Party. Someone — it might have been her — delivered a single-sheet notice to my house in Princeton.

It says this, in part: “Two great Democrats are running in the Collin College Board of Trustees runoff … Their MAGA Republican opponents have such awful records they only want to talk about Bud Light, Target and Bathrooms.”

Memo to Marie: We are not electing Democrats to the college board. They are running as non-partisan candidates. To paint them as “great Democrats” and their foes as “MAGA Republican opponents” misrepresents the nature of the election that occurs Saturday.

There’s more to the notice, but I won’t go there with this post.

Once more, with passion, I want to remind voters that we are voting only for individuals who are seeking spots on the college board. They are not adhering to party platforms, nor are they running under partisan banners.

Marie Biggs needs to stop peddling this partisan propaganda.
