Kitty is finding her way

I just cannot let an incident that occurred last night go without a brief comment here.

You know about the change in my life with my son arriving from Amarillo and moving with me into my North Texas home. He brought two cats with him, Macy and Marlowe, siblings he has had since they were, well, much younger.

We have avoided a major confrontation with Toby the Puppy. The kitties have hit their stride, as has Toby the Puppy. They keep their distance from each other. All is good.

Well, about midnight I was sound asleep. Toby had slipped into his kennel, which he does on occasion.

Without warning, Macy — the female kitty — jumped onto my bed and began nuzzling me. She meowed and snuggled and wanted to be scratched, stroked. It was the first prolonged contact I had with either of them.

This went on for about an hour. So help me, I was thrilled beyond belief to have Macy warm up to me in that fashion.

Marlowe remains a bit of a work in progress. He stays away most of the time. He’ll come around, too … eventually.

But this new era of pet relationships is taking a heartwarming turn.

I just had to share …