Can there be a more sensitive issue for many human beings than allegations that animals are being “improperly” euthanized?
So it is with Amarillo Animal Control officials who are under investigation by the police department.
I believe there needs to be some serious questions asked here.
Allegations have been flying about the way Animal Control personnel are disposing of unwanted pets. The use of the term “improper euthanizing” sends chills up my spine and I’m sure the spines of others. Such supposedly improper activities cover a wide — and frightening — array of methods.
There allegedly is an absence of scales at the animal shelter that enable employees to weigh animals to ensure they administer the proper amount of drugs to put the animal down. What else is going on out there?
Scott McDonald is the acting animal control director. He isn’t talking much about what’s being investigated, nor is he discussing the administrative leaves ordered for two employees caught in the middle of the allegations.
Let’s hope the city releases the clamps on what it so far isn’t saying about this matter. Human beings, sensitive creatures that we are when it comes to the treatment of animals, need some answers as to what’s going on at the city-financed animal shelter.
What’s more, we human residents of Amarillo need to know what’s being done to correct what allegedly has gone wrong.
We’re all ears, City Hall.