Staffer quits, boss stays on the job

I can’t let this one pass.

The married female staff member who was caught making out with a married Louisiana congressman has been “taken off the payroll” while the congressman is staying on the job, pulling down his hefty six-figure salary.

I’m asking myself: Where is the justice in this?

Republican Rep. Vance McAllister was elected in 2013 partly by touting his strong faith, his family values, not to mention his love for his wife. He was elected to fill out an unexpired term and is up for re-election this year to a full two-year term.

McAllister has apologized to his constituents, his wife, (presumably) to God, to the whole country for being caught on a video published by the Ouchita Citizen newspaper.

If there’s a “victim” in this caper, it’s the staffer. Melissa Peacock is married to Heath Peacock. She’s now out of a job as McAllister’s district scheduler. Mr. Peacock says he is “freaking devastated.” He went on to say, “I loved my wife so much.”

I couldn’t help but notice he used the past tense of the word “love.” I am presuming that’s just his emotions getting the better of him. Then again …

I know, of course, that people in high public offices have done worse things and declined to step down. I’m not going to presume that McAllister should resign his seat over this. I’d bet real money, though, that this incident is going to become Issue No. 1 in his bid to keep his seat come election time.

Given that he made such a public display of his devotion to his wife while winning the seat in the first place, it’ll be interesting to see how he portrays himself as he seeks to keep his job.

The voters of his congressional district will get to determine whether he stays or goes. … as they should.