My eyes kept rolling as we drove through much of Central and North Texas, looking at the price of motor vehicle fuel.
It’s coming down, if you want to call it such. I shake my noggin and try to conjure some real-life “good news” at what we are seeing along our highways.
My wife and I no longer are pumping diesel fuel into our sole mode of motor transportation. Our new pickup is a gasser, unlike our former vehicle, which guzzled diesel fuel.
We drove nearly 600 miles to and from the Texas Hill Country this weekend. I noticed about two, maybe three, service stations advertising gasoline at $3.99 per gallon. I recalled a comment from a Dallas-Fort Worth TV news anchor the other day, seeking to put a positive spin on $3.99 gas, only to acknowledge that his obvious eye-rolling meant he didn’t mean to suggest we should be happy with paying less than $4 per gallon.
I’ll close with this: What goes up so damn rapidly almost never comes down at the same rate of speed.
Why is that? I figure the fossil fuel companies want to reap the reward for as long as possible of investors’ nervous jerks about the worldwide oil market.
In some quarters, I believe they call it “price gouging.”