Teachers are not cops!

I want to make myself utterly and totally clear about something I posted earlier on this blog about arming teachers to stop shooters who murder children in classrooms.

Teachers have no business being asked to do something they possibly — if not probably — never have done in their lives. If we arm teachers, we should not expect them to respond with the cool professionalism that law enforcement officers are trained to do.

Arm teachers? Seriously? | High Plains Blogger

Teachers are there to teach children. Arming teachers is an invitation to a disastrous event.

Imagine putting a pistol in the hands of a 24-year-old teacher fresh out of college and in the classroom for the first time in his or her life. The teacher has received training on firearm proficiency, but has never fired a gun at another human being.

What does one expect would occur if a gunman walks into that teacher’s classroom and starts spraying the room with bullets? How would that freshly scrubbed teacher respond?

Let’s end this discussion about arming teachers and deal realistically with how we can prevent future massacres such as what occurred in Uvalde this week.
