Perry needs to define ‘great’

There was Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

He was bellowing, gesturing, pointing his fingers, hollerin’ some Texas slang — and saying something about how the United States “could become great again.”

Hmmm. How does the governor define great?

* We’re still the pre-eminent military power on the planet.

* We’re still the world’s No. 1 economy.

* We continue to rack up more Nobel prizes than any other country on Earth.

* We remain the No. 1 destination for immigrants looking to carve out a better life for themselves and their families.

* Our Constitution continues to be the model for newly created countries seeking to craft a framework for their own governments.

* The United States has recovered from the Great Recession while other developed nations continue to languish.

* We’re about to become the world’s No. 1 producer of oil.

* We’ve cut our oil imports to historic lows.

And the Texas governor rails about our country losing its greatness?

Are we perfect? No. Perfection is unattainable, but it’s always worth seeking.

Still, Gov. Perry needs to clean those new eyeglasses he’s wearing.

From my perch, I have concluded that we still are the greatest country on Earth.