Biden pledges to save lives

President Biden today took on the role of commander in chief in our nation’s fight against a killer virus.

The president has issued an order that every federal employee shall be vaccinated against the virus. Moreover, he said that every private company that does business with the federal government will have its employees vaccinated. He signed an executive order and declared that he now is going to act like a wartime president in the fight against the COVID-19 virus and its assorted variants.

This is what presidents need to do!

Biden’s immediate predecessor as POTUS once famously — and wisely — declared that he saw himself as a “wartime president” when the pandemic took root. The problem, though, is that he didn’t follow through on the declaration. He didn’t walk the wartime walk.

President Biden is demonstrating that he understands the power of his office and the overwhelming priority he must place in protecting the health and the lives of Americans.

We have lost more than 600,000 of our fellow citizens to the virus. It has stricken more than 40 million of us.

Biden’s order figures to affect as many as 80 million Americans who aren’t currently vaccinated. Yes, there might be some out there who cannot take the vaccine on religious grounds. I understand that resistance. I don’t agree with it, but I accept that others have such sincere religious belief.

However, the obstinance being shown by those who want to make some sort of hare-brained political statement about the vaccine is ridiculous on its face.

The Hill reports:

A senior administration official told reporters that under a new executive order to be announced by the president, federal employees will have 75 days to be fully vaccinated, with limited exemptions for religious or medical reasons. There will be no testing option. The order will cover about 100 million workers. 

“It’s simple; if you want to work for the federal government, you must be vaccinated. If you want to do business with the government, you must vaccinate your workforce,” the official said.

Biden to require COVID-19 vaccines, tests for millions of private workers | TheHill

I stand with the president.

2 thoughts on “Biden pledges to save lives”

  1. Question: Will Biden now mandate everyone must maintain their proper BMI? Not a single doctor anywhere in the world will argue that if people were healthier with their weight, their risk of numerous diseases goes way down. On the other hand, doctors across the world can’t come to consensus on the actual mortality of Covid. If the government is going to mandate CDC requests or guidelines, shouldn’t they mandate all CDC guidelines? Which ones do we pick?

    CDC and doctors all agree those overweight are at an extremely higher risk to Covid serious affects.

    Covid still shows to have a 99.8% survival rate.

    BTW… I am vaccinated and I’m. It against it. I’m against government mandating our lives. You should too. Where does it stop?

    1. Talk about create hate across the country. He did a great job there. Saying everyone’s mad at the 80,000,000 that’s unvaccinated and they are the reason we can’t turn the corner is just a down right lie. All he did was add to the hate across the country. He couldn’t handle Afghanistan withdrawal properly so he’s trying to look strong now.

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