Why support this POTUS?

(Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

By John Kanelis / [email protected]

No one has asked for my opinion on this matter, but I feel the need to offer it anyway.

Pollsters overlook our household when asking Americans this question: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of President Biden?

Here’s my answer in the event someone would ask: I have a highly favorable opinion of the leadership he is providing this country.

Do you want to know why? Here it is.

President Biden has restored dignity, decorum and a sense of normal behavior to the White House. He has signed a number of executive orders that have sought to reverse some bone-headed policies enacted by his predecessor. He has shown an ability to perform a sort of two-track function while working his Republican colleagues in Congress: He talks to ’em, listens to ’em and then if they don’t see things his way, he turns to his more dependable Democratic allies to move legislation forward.

Joe Biden was able to send us payments in a COVID relief package over the objections of his GOP friends in Congress. I appreciated the cash, just as I appreciated what came to us in the final year of POTUS 45’s tenure in office.

What I have learned to appreciate most of all, though, has been the restoration of the presidency as an office with dignity. President Biden vowed to restore our “national soul” when he ran for the office. I am not yet sure whether our soul has been brought back to life as we knew it just yet.

I do know, though, that the president no longer denigrates war heroes. Nor does he stiff our nation’s allies. The president no longer scolds public officials for certain policies while their cities and states are fighting nature’s wrath. The president now is able to step into his role as consoler in chief and he performs that role flawlessly.

Has the 46th president had a hiccup-free entry? Of course not. The crisis on our southern border needs to be called as such and it needs to come from President Biden.

I am willing to give this individual my support because — and this is critical — he is willing to conduct himself with the dignity that his high office demands from him.

That is why I believe we are heading in the right direction under President Biden’s leadership.

2 thoughts on “Why support this POTUS?”

  1. He can’t speak coherently , make decisions, or show leadership, but he shows a “sense of normal behavior”. Yep, that’s the most important characteristic of a President. Com’ on man! LOL

  2. Regarding those who say Biden doesn’t speak coherently (he speaks coherently with compassion, experience and intelligence), I don’t recall Biden having to comeback the next day and try to explain he meant something different. For those that say he doesn’t make decisions, stop complaining about his Executive Orders. For those that say he doesn’t show leadership, you must not know what leadership is. President Biden has calmed the “waters” of this Nation like no one ever before him.

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