How to react to new POTUS?


The day is progressing and as Donald Trump completes his tumultuous term as president of the United States, I am left to grapple with a bit of conflict among my emotions.

Oh, make no mistake, my overarching emotion will be of happiness that this vile, venal, vicious human being will no longer represent me as president. Joseph Biden Jr. presents a return to a more “normal” head of state/commander in chief.

His predecessor will take off Wednesday morning from Andrews Joint Base. He’ll head to Florida. He will be gone from my house, our house. That is all good.

I am wondering now, on this day before, whether the moment Biden and Kamala Harris take their oaths will produce some sort of emotional response. You know … will I well up, swallow hard. Yeah, probably.

That’s OK. I also am trying to dial back my expectations of what President Biden will be able to accomplish. The pandemic is no respecter of who’s in charge of affairs in Washington. The 100-day mask-wearing request seems reasonable to me. Biden will order masks to be worn on all federal property; that, too, makes perfect sense.

He wants us to pull together as Americans, patriots, lovers of our country. Hey, I’m all in.

A big day awaits us Wednesday. It should be full of emotion for all Americans and I include even those who are sorry to see Donald Trump fly away into private life. I can’t speak to how they will react. It’s of no concern to me, frankly.

I am just looking forward to a new day.

2 thoughts on “How to react to new POTUS?”

  1. Weā€™ve already seen a few ā€œaccomplishmentsā€. Iran and North Korea are already upping their nuclear testing, China has given ultimatum on trade, immigrant caravan making their way here using Bidenā€™s words that heā€™ll allow them in within the first 100 days, killing jobs with the Keystone pipeline (even Canada disagrees with this). And, he hasnā€™t even taken office yet.

    Other countries are ready to run all over him. They now see us as weak. As much as you hated Trump, other countries quit seeing us a weak. Both Iran and North Korea had backed down. He brokered several Middle East deals that Iā€™m sure will end up being reversed now.

    $15 an hour is a noble idea. Do you see small businesses in small towns like Borger, Pampa, Childress or Canadian being able to afford that pay scale? It might work in California where they already have an extreme cost of living, but thatā€™s not the case all across this great land. Not every state or city can afford $15 as a minimum wage.

    Like Russia has said for years, we wonā€™t have to take over the US for communism to be there. They do it themselves with first controlling media, then healthcare, finally keeping Americans reliable on the government for assistance. WE ARE NEARLY THERE!

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