Don’t let up on ‘former president’

By JOHN KANELIS / [email protected]

In normal times I would be inclined to not be terribly concerned about the legal troubles of a politician who is about to leave the public stage.

These aren’t normal times. The soon-to-be former pol happens to be someone who is leaving the office he inherited in complete shambles. Donald Trump, that would be you … you dolt, you seditious provocateur!

I don’t believe President Biden needs to unleash the federal hounds in pursuit of whatever crimes that Trump might have committed. However, the 45th POTUS is in serious danger of being targeted by state and local prosecutors who are probing plenty of issues related to the individual’s use of campaign money.

Donald Trump’s de facto attorney, Attorney General William Barr, covered Trump’s ample backside before he had enough and resigned this past week.

We now have a district attorney in Manhattan, New York City, who is loosing his own legal hounds in pursuit of plenty of questions regarding hush money payments to women with whom he had trysts.

Trump’s efforts to subvert our democratic process just fills me with enough rage to actually hope that the Manhattan DA delivers the goods on the moral reprobate who is about to leave office.

Whether he actually pardons himself successfully, Trump’s presidential pardon power means nothing where it regards prosecutions that occur outside the federal realm.

Go for it, Manhattan prosecutors. Let’s see what you have!