Donald J. Trump is getting a real-time lesson on just how the federal government is supposed to work.
The president had vetoed a bill aimed at providing money for the Defense Department and the U.S. House of Representatives has just overridden that veto with an overwhelming, veto-proof tally. Trump’s response? It was to lash out at Republicans who joined their Democratic colleagues in overriding the veto.
Trump lashes out at Republicans after they override his veto – CNNPolitics
You see, here’s the deal … Donald. A president has to contend at times with another branch of government flexing its considerable musculature. That’s what happened in this instance. It didn’t set well with the Autocrat Wanna Be in Chief.
That GOP members would lock arms with Democrats on the defense matter is a clear signal of Trump’s waning power as his term as president comes to a welcome end.
Trump ain’t going out quietly, to be sure.
But as the saying goes — or as it might go: That’s why the nation’s framers built these checks into the Constitution … to prevent presidents from becoming dictators.