Headlight repaired … hooray!

Allow me this brief post script to a blog posted on Monday.

I griped about the frustrations of dealing with a motor vehicle repair that I thought would be a simple, do-it-myself procedure.

It wasn’t.

I’d mentioned that I purchased a headlight bulb that I had hoped to install with a simple removal of installation. Then I learned that I had to remove the entire headlight assembly. I threw in the towel Monday morning and made an appointment with the service department at the dealership where we purchased our 3/4-ton pickup, which we’ve named Big Jake.

My wife took the truck in, as I had to work this afternoon. She was in and out of there in 30 minutes.

The bulb we bought from the auto parts store? It was the wrong bulb. The service tech who sold us the bogus bulb had it all wrong.

I’ll return the bulb to the store … and hope the tech is there for me to, um, set the record straight.