Cruz Sr. needs history lesson

I’ve never for a moment doubted the intelligence of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

However, I am having doubts about his father, Rafael Cruz, who serves as a sort of ad hoc senior adviser to the fiery freshman lawmaker.

Comments from the senior Cruz are stoking serious concern about the nature of political debate and whether young Ted is being guided correctly by the man who brought him into this world.

America is a “Christian nation,” according to Rafael Cruz. Wrong. It’s a secular nation founded by individuals who were guided by Christian principles. Mr. Cruz needs to note that the founders were quite clear that Congress must not make laws that establish a state religion. It’s in the First Amendment.

Rafael Cruz also believes President Obama should be “sent back to Kenya.” Well, young Barack went to Kenya — one time. He’s spent the vast bulk of his time in the nation of his birth, the United States of America.

These old myths dealing with the president’s place of birth keep cropping up, like pesky weeds you just cannot eradicate.

Ted Cruz — born in Canada to a Cuban father and an American mother — ought to be smart enough to counsel dear old dad about the need to speak the truth about political opponents.