What is happening to us?

What in the name of all that is evil and sinister is going on?

I, along with the rest of the nation, went to bed last night reeling from the news out of El Paso and that a young man who lives just down the road from us in Collin County has been arrested in connection with the slaughter of 20 people in a Wal-Mart shopping complex.

Then I woke up today to hear about another mass shooting, in Dayton, Ohio, where someone shot nine people to death before the police killed him in a fire fight.

Good ever-lovin’ Lord! What is happening to this country?

The president called the El Paso shooting an “act of cowardice.” I am sure he’ll say something similar in response to the Dayton massacre.

The statements are welcome. Except that presidents have been issuing them too often over many years. They aren’t enough. Presidential proclamations do nothing to assuage the genuine fear that is planted in the hearts of Americans.

So help me, I feel as though I am approaching a mindset of holing up in my house and never venturing out … ever again! Dammit! I would hate living like that!