This is how Donald J. Trump rolls.
He threatens a world leader with annihilation, then tosses out a suggestion that he might be willing to meet with him.
Trump threatened North Korean dictator Kim “Little Rocket Man” Jong Un with “total destruction,” then met with him in Singapore ostensibly to persuade the North Koreans to get rid of their nukes.
They didn’t agree to it. The meeting hasn’t been nearly as fruitful as Trump describes it.
Now it’s Iran’s turn. Trump fired off an all-cap tweet threatening to blow Iran to bits. Now he wants to talk to them.
I happen to support any discussion that pre-empts military conflict with Iran. The president wants to talk about a new nuclear deal that Trump tossed aside, calling it a terrible deal.
Trump’s track record on negotiating anything at any level is quite suspect. Still, if he’s willing to talk directly to the Iranians, then he ought to proceed.
I believe it was Winston Churchill who once said it is better to “jaw, jaw, jaw than to war, war, war.”
Keep jawing, Mr. President.