Happy Trails, Part 55

I enjoy answering questions about our plans to relocate from Amarillo.

The question came to my wife and me once again today: What are your plans? Where do you plan to go?

Our answer? We don’t know. We’re playing it by ear. We have a general idea, but we don’t have a destination.

The person — a recent acquaintance — who asked us about our plans gets it. She, too, is recently retired; she taught school for many years and is planning to purchase an RV and hit the road.

She noted that we spend our professional lives at work having to be somewhere at certain times. We’re on deadline.

Ah, yes. Those days are behind us now. It’s one of the joys my wife and I are getting out of this retirement life of ours. We don’t have to be anywhere. We both worked hard for many years in our respective careers. At this stage in our life together we feel a sense of entitlement that we no longer are punching the proverbial time clock.

So it is with our pending move.

We have hired a mover to haul our possessions out of our house. They’ll be placed in storage. We’re going to talk very soon with a real estate broker about marketing strategies for selling the house we’ve owned for more than two decades. We’ll get it fixed up. We will put it on the market. We will hope it sells quickly.

After that? We don’t know.

We have developed a general strategy for how we’re going to approach the purchase of a new home. We do not yet have a precise destination in mind, but we will have plenty of help awaiting us when we get ready to start shopping for a place to land.

Until then … the open road awaits.