Criminal charges? Come on!

The breadth and depth of the hatred that President Obama’s political foes have for him simply takes my breath away.

U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Fla., is the latest congressional right-winger to launch a loony attack on the president. He wants Congress to explore filing criminal charges against Obama for delaying the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which I thought would have pleased ACA critics.

To borrow a phrase from the late John Belushi: But no–o-o-o-o-o!

Marino thinks Obama broke the law and wants to look for something — anything to hang around the president’s neck.

He’s also saving some of his ammo for Attorney General Eric Holder, who he says should be prosecuted for not following the law.

Obama delayed the ACA’s employer mandate provision to give some “transition relief” to companies. When he announced the delay, I thought it might quell some of the anger from those on the right who think the mandate is some nefarious form of “socialized medicine.” It didn’t.

Marino thinks the president skirted the law and, by golly, he needs to face the music.

This nonsense is beginning to drive me just a bit batty. While he’s at it, Marino ought to see about prosecuting Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts — a G.W. Bush appointee — for casting the key court vote in 2012 that determined that “Obamacare” is in fact legal.