Perry to make plans known

I kind of knew it would happen this way, that Gov. Rick Perry would make his announcement regarding any future political plans while the Texas Legislature is meeting in special session.

It appears he’s going to do so in San Antonio next Monday.

I’m going way out on a limb here and will predict the governor will tell us he’s not going to run for another term as governor.

It would be his fourth term. He’s already served longer than anyone in Texas history. Attorney General Greg Abbott already is acting — and raising money — like the prohibitive frontrunner in the Republican primary, which is where Perry would run. Abbott and Perry are too close politically and maybe even personally for them to compete for the same job. I do not believe Abbott wants to be AG any longer and he aspires for something a little higher up on the political chain of command.

Perry also wants to run for president, or so some of us are being led to believe. Perhaps there’s something in him that wants to atone for the disastrous run for the GOP nomination in 2012. He wasn’t ready, as his debate performances illustrated so graphically.

By bowing out of the governor’s race now, he can spend the rest of his waking hours getting ready to run for president and hoping (at least he hopes) for a better showing than he did this past year.

The caveat I’ll offer for this prediction is this: I’m wrong more than I’m right and I once did swear off making political predictions.

I just can’t help myself.