Special sessions seems likely; bring it … with caution

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott well might be ready to call the Legislature back into session to finish some work.

He talked today about property tax reform and then his office announced he would have a press conference on Tuesday to make an announcement.

I totally get the need to hammer out important issues. Property taxes is high on everyone’s list. The governor, though, should resist the pressure being applied by the lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, who wants the Legislature to enact that stupid “Bathroom Bill” that didn’t make it out of the regular session.

It’s heartening to me that Abbott didn’t mention the Bathroom Bill in discussing potential topics to be dealt with in a special session. That’s fine with me.

The bill would require people using public restrooms in Texas to use those that align with the gender declared on their birth certificate. It’s clearly discriminatory against transgender individuals. What’s more, how in the name of intrusiveness does the state plan to enforce such a law?

My trick knee is telling me that Abbott might be a bit miffed that Patrick sought to pressure him on which issues to put on the Legislature’s special session agenda.


According to the Texas Tribune: “Our goal is to solve your challenges, to solve your problems,” Abbott said at a Bell County GOP dinner. “I think there is one challenge, one problem, that many Texans face that went unsolved. It’s complex, but it needs to be addressed, and that is the incredible rise in property taxes in this state.”

Property tax reform is reason enough to call legislators back to Austin. That’s it.