Public safety, streets get city voters’ endorsement


Parks, ball fields, the Civic Center and administrative needs are “frills,” apparently, according to Amarillo voters.

Public safety and street repair? Bring it on!

This is a bit of a disappointment to me that only two of the seven measures on the city’s ballot passed on Tuesday. I considered all of them to be “quality of life” issues that needed voters’ endorsement.

City residents, though, apparently are continuing their crankiness about spending issues.

They did approve the largest single measure among the propositions presented by City Hall: the $90 million street repair, rehabilitation and maintenance project. Also getting voters’ approval is a $20 million project that seeks improvements in fire and police protection.

Voters made some significant strides in seeking improvements in city services. I’m sorry to say they weren’t quite enough.

It might be that City Hall has more public-relations work to do to assuage voters’ apparent angst over the way its management is doing its job.