Conservative media also go ‘mainstream’

Dan Radmacher is a blogger in Roanoke, Va., with whom I am acquainted. I cannot profess to know him well, but we have many mutual friends and professional associations.

His latest blog continues an ongoing battle of wits he’s been waging with Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto, this time over the depth of the recent scandals that have spit up all over President Obama.

Here’s the link to his latest post. It’s worth a careful look:

I want to congratulate Dan for saying something that needs saying time and again. It is that while the conservative media are fond of accusing the liberal media of bias, those on the right do so without the slightest understanding of what they’re saying – about themselves. Taranto seems to think the media are in the tank for Barack Obama and have gone far too softly on the president.

Radmacher wrote this in response:

“Taranto moves onto the ‘liberal’ media, accusing the media of being more in cahoots with Obama than it’s ever been with any other president or political party. This ideological and political alignment, Taranto warns with no hint of irony or self-awareness, has led the media to abdicate ‘their guiding principles of impartiality, objectivity and sometimes even accuracy.’ The man works for a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch, and he wants to lecture others about abdicating impartiality, objectivity and accuracy? Never mind that the conservative media that he is part of is far guiltier of abandoning impartiality and objectivity, and has never cared much about accuracy. But how could Taranto miss that the biggest mainstream media blunder in recent weeks — ABC’s reporting on Republican fabrications of those recently released emails as if they had seen the originals — worked against Obama, not in his favor?”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Dan.

I’ve long noted that a cable news network, such as the one owned by Rupert Murdoch, that must proclaim – over and over – that it is “fair and balanced” usually is neither.