One more thought on what the nation witnessed Tuesday night … then I’ll move on.
Democratic nominee Tim Kaine and Republican nominee Mike Pence jousted vigorously at their vice-presidential “debate” in Farmville, Va.
They talked a lot about their presidential running mates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
But here’s the deal. Trump decided during the event to start “live tweeting” while his man Pence was on the stage.
I have to agree with the assertion made by media and political commentators about that back story. It was that Trump simply is not wired to stand aside and let his running mate do what was assigned to do. Trump just had to throw his own thoughts out there in real time while his No. 2 guy was talking on national television.
Some GOP strategists thought it only showed that Trump and Pence comprise a political “team” and that Trump merely was lending support to his running mate.
Sure thing.
It’s fair to wonder: What might Trump think of Pence doing that very thing during the upcoming Sunday night joint appearance with Hillary?