Don’t know who’s goofier: Robbins or the idiots who got burned


Tony Robbins has made a lot of money over many years as a motivational speaker.

I guess the guy’s pretty good at what he does. How else does one explain what happened recently at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas?

Robbins was conducting a seminar titled “Unleash the Power Within.”

Robbins — who one of my sons used to refer to as “The Guy With the Teeth” — then persuaded attendees to walk across burning coals.

Thirty of them suffered moderate to severe burns on their feet.

Never mind that this guy actually talked people into committing this bizarre act. Who in the hell actually would do such a thing?

I don’t know who deserves the scorn here: The Guy With the Teeth or the “victims” who got burned.

Is there something here that I don’t understand?