String the lines away from the canyon

A utility company is considering some routes to string power lines across the High Plains.

It is my sincerest hope that they do not stretch them across Palo Duro Canyon.

The company is Sharyland Utilities. It will conduct two public hearings this week, Tuesday night in Wildorado and Thursday night in Panhandle. They’re giving residents a chance to comment on proposed routes for the lines that will carry electricity generated by wind turbines.

I’m becoming more of a fan of wind energy all the time. It’s clean, it’s renewable and it’s ours. Man, we’ve got plenty of it throughout the High Plains.

But we have to be mindful here of protecting one of the true treasures of Texas. Palo Duro Canyon should not have its horizon blighted by transmission lines. Surely the company can find routes that take the lines away from the canyon rim.

The canyon panorama is just too spectacular to be soiled with sight pollution.