Could they live in today’s world?


DRIPPING SPRINGS, Texas — The house pictured here belonged to Joseph and Sara Pounders, the couple who founded the community of Dripping Springs.

They built the place in 1854. Joseph Pounders practiced medicine here. He got to know the Comanches who lived in the area. According to the fellow who walked us through the place, Dr. Pounders “had no trouble with the Indians once they found out he was a medicine man.”

They had a smoke house. A sistern sat outside the walls of the place to catch rain water. Mrs. Pounders had a tub where she bathed once each week, yes, whether she needed it or not. Dr. Pounders had a place by the fence in the back where he bathed.

They moved their outhouse from place to place once the pit they dug under it filled with … well, you know.

It was a primitive life to be sure.

The question always enters my mind when I see visit like this: Could I ever live under these conditions? The answer is obvious. No! Not just no … but hell no!

I am not ashamed to admit such a thing.

My lack of shame comes from my belief that Dr. and Mrs. Pounders — or any of the settlers who forged the country we know today — could live in our world.