Tag Archives: Texas firearms law

Tragedy defies ability to comprehend

There are times when national tragedies go far beyond people’s ability to understand.

Today was one of those times.

Twelve innocent victims are dead at the hands of a gunman, Aaron Alexis of Fort Worth, who then was killed in a fire fight with law enforcement authorities at the Washington, D.C., Navy Yard.

How does one grasp something like this?

A few questions popped into my head during the day as I was running around at work and catching snippets of news broadcasts on TV.

I learned that Alexis had a concealed handgun carry permit, issued in Texas. I also learned that he had two minor firearms-related incidents on his record, one in 2004 and another in 2010. I haven’t yet heard when Alexis was issued his concealed carry permit. Was it after those incidents? Was it before they occurred? If he received the permit after the shooting-related incidents, how did he qualify to carry a handgun on his person? If he received the permit beforehand, were the incidents entered into his background data base? If not, why not? If so, how was he allowed to keep his permit?


Of course, Alexis reportedly was carrying three weapons into the Navy Yard: a pistol, a shotgun and an AR-15 assault rifle. The only weapon covered by the concealed carry permit would have been the pistol.

However, he purchased all the guns legally — including the assault rifle, according to news reports.

Again, given his record of firearms-related disturbance, how did that happen?

This tragedy is going to take some time process.

Our hearts are broken once again.