Tag Archives: Islamic Revolution

Air power aid from Iran? Watch out!

U.S. intelligence officials believe Iranian air force jets launched air strikes against Islamic State terrorist targets about 10 days ago, using U.S.-made F-4 Phantom jets, sent to Iran presumably before the Islamic revolution of 1979.

This is a curious twist in a story full of intrigue and complexity.


Do we accept the Iranian help in bombing the daylights out of ISIL? Do we welcome the Iranians as “partners” in this fight against the Sunni extremist terror cult? Yes to the first part, no to the second.

Let’s remember that the Iranians still are our enemy. The Tehran government hates the Great Satan. It has vowed to destroy Israel, our most valuable ally in the Middle East.

However, the Iranian government is run by Shiite Muslims, the hated adversary of the ISIL Sunnis. Therefore, the Iranians have some skin in this game as well.

I don’t have a particular problem with the Iranians joining the fight against ISIL — as long as they understand that the United States won’t reopen diplomatic ties with their government as a thank you gift for helping us out.

There remain many barriers between the United States and Iran. Our government recognizes it and is making it clear that clearing away those barriers will require the Iranians to do many things, chief among them being dismantling their nuclear program.

If the Iranian air force can fly sorties against ISIL, let them have at it.