Tag Archives: guns on campus

No guns on these campuses

guns on campus

Every so often you hear public officials say things that make you want to stand and cheer.

The brand new head of the Amarillo Independent School District administration today said one of those things. I wanted to stand and cheer. I kept my seat and remained quiet.

Superintendent Dana West declared that the school district has “no plans” to allow teachers or other staff members to carry guns on any of the district’s campuses.

You go, Mme. Superintendent!

She told a Rotary Club of Amarillo luncheon gathering at the Amarillo Club that the only people who’ll be packing heat on campuses throughout AISD are the liaison officers assigned to work at various campuses by the Amarillo Police Department. The trained law enforcement officers will be carrying weapons. Not teachers. Not principals.

The issue comes up every time there’s a school shooting. Individuals and groups across the nation issue the call to let qualified teachers carry guns so they can stop the shooter in their tracks. More guns creates a safer environment, they say.

West apparently doesn’t see it that way.

She said that when teachers and students have “good relations,” the chances are good that the students are going to tattle on fellow students who might be up to mischief.

She didn’t say it, but I only can presume that the mischief might include guns.

That’s where the police liaison officers come in.

Let highly trained police officers handle whatever might occur on campus, whether it’s a student or an intruder intent on doing harm.

As another leading educator told me, “We’re dealing with human beings and everyone has good days and bad days. Do we really want a kid who’s having a really bad day trying to get a gun from a teacher?”

Uhhh. No.


Campus-carry gun bills are reloaded

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

College and university campuses have been victimized for decades by gun violence, so what do some Texas legislators want to do? They want to allow folks to pack heat onto those campuses.

That’s the way to solve the issue of gun violence. Bring in more guns.


Texas Senate Bill 11 has 19 co-sponsors, which under the new rules of the Senate makes it eligible for vote in the full Senate. SB 11 won’t allow guns into campus hospitals, nor will it allow guns in elementary schools. I guess that’s a small victory for common sense.

When I read a blog posted by the Houston Chronicle about the bill’s status with the University of Texas System, well, I got a bit confused. The blog states: “Similar legislation has been proposed in previous years but failed after heavy opposition, especially from campus leaders. University of Texas Chancellor William McRaven recently came out against the effort.”

I can’t tell by reading this post whether McRaven — a retired Navy admiral and one-time SEAL — opposes the legislation or opposes the effort to derail it.

Whatever the case, the notion of allowing more guns onto higher education campuses makes this Texan — that would be me — quite nervous.